
Who is Micah Matsilele?

A young boy was born at Nyazura Mission in the late sixties and music from a tender age became his passion. It is said that he could tell the hymn page before he even went to school. Grade three was the significant point in his life. Playing a game of droughts his father coerced a friend, Mr Makota to take the boy into the Sabbath school choir. That was the beginning of adventure. By grade 5 he had written a song, he could transpose, transcribe, translate let alone sing 3 parts. By form 2 he had written several tunes. By form 3 he was assisting the choirmaster. Mentored by two great Musicians Mr F. Moyo and Mr J.T. Makota, Micah started to explore the music world. He started to rearrange songs that went viral in the church. Those that went to school with him remember quite well how he would spend the whole study hour period composing songs.

Then one day a call was made for someone to sing a song after a sermon. There was no fitting song for the mood presented and hence the chorister (Micah) had to make-do with the closest the hymn book could offer. Embarrassed, he decided to take song-writing to a different level. He decided he would write a song to close every sermon. This meant that as the preacher was at it, Micah was supposed to be composing a song that he could sing after the sermon. It worked and it still works. He has written well over 500 songs to date. He does not need minutes to write a song. As soon as you tell him what you want, he is quick to create the tune and its lyrics. Before you know it, he is singing the song for you. During song – writing seminars, he has proved that most of us can write songs.

On another note, most of the few song – writers have a very specific format or signature but Micah writes what you want and to your taste. Once a group sings four or so songs, he can write their type or genre. From solo material to choirs he has managed to sustain many musicians with beautiful songs. His degree in English has topped it all as lyrics come handy and fast; the poetic devices and lyrical choices depict perfectly well the sound mood. Asked how many songs he can write, he was quick to answer. “There was a time I composed 24 songs in 4 hours but I guess it goes with the need, demand and inspiration.”


To be the biggest Gospel Music provider for original compositions through the web and any other means possible.



To provide Gospel Music that gives praise and honour unto the lord – music that does not only edify but also redeems both the singer and listener in the process. – music that teaches and preaches Jesus Christ the soon-coming saviour



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